"Have you discover how the big companies only pay for Online ad results, and never pay for ad "exposure"?
Unlike other forms of Offline media advertising newspapers, magazines, radio, t.v. or Online banner or text ads, search marketing with Google AdWords Pay Per Click you could reach millions of new prospects in minutes of activating your account and publishing your ad. You will only pay when somebody views and clicks your ad. If the viewer reads your ad but doesn't click, you pay nothing. This is a much better way to market and promote any business! Pay Per Click is the absolute fastest and best form of marketing on the web. Google AdWords Pay Per Click Online Advertising is a simple and cost effective way to advertise and is fast taking it's share of the market from more traditional forms of print and broadcast advertising.
Many people have signed up for Google AdWords accounts to promote their products and / or services or to promote other people's products and / or services, to generate quality web site traffic and / or for a list acquisition campaign to build an opt-in list quickly only to be disappointed with the level of earnings and profits or opt-in sign ups they have been able to achieve. Google AdWords is a very simple but extremely powerful Internet Search Marketing tool. It is a very complex one as well. This makes it an intriguing challenge.
Google AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC) User Review
While registering and setting up an Google AdWords account can be done in a matter of minutes, learning and understanding the basic AdWords fundamental concepts and successful techniques on how to research and select relevant keywords and keyword phrases, write an effective keyword relevant Haiku Ad copy that is short and concise, test, effectively manage, maintain your AdWords Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing campaigns, track, monitor metrics and regularly review your account's performance, re-fine and tweak your AdWords Ads and selected keywords for maximum impact and maximum exposure is a process that can take you quite a bit of concentrated time and focus effort to learn and master.
Google AdWords requires the following to master it. You must inves the time and take the steps to learn, understand what to do and develop the knowledge base and skill set to "know how" to do it. Until You Really Know How To Do It Only run ads on the Google 'Search Network' in Google Adwords. When creating a new campaign in the Google Adwords system, the default campaign settings are configured to show your ads on both the 'Content Network' and the 'Search Network'. When beginning as a new AdWords Advertiser uncheck and turned the 'Content Network' off.
In order to make money with Google AdWords you must "know how" to brainstorm, research and choose the right keywords - relevant keywords to target your market's audience. One of the biggest mistake advertisers make in their AdWords campaign is to compiled a long list of keyword terms and have an excessive amount of unrelated keywords and implemented them into their AdWords account. Be careful not to think that just having a massive list of keywords will help your AdWords campaign.
You must first know your market, who is your audience and who you are targeting. You must learn and "know how" to separate your massive keywords list to smaller focus keywords in your Ad Groups... 10 to 20 keywords in an Ad Group to start.
Example: If you are promoting an AdWords Tips Blog or AdWords Tips E-book or AdWords Tips Ezine, a relevant keyword list may be: google adwords tips, google adwords help and google adwords advice. Your targeted audience are AdWords Advertiser self - managing their own AdWords campaigns searching for AdWords tips and learning materials information, e-books, e-guides, e-courses, e-zines etc.
The following group of keywords is somewhat related but not relevant for this particular Ad Group, notice that the keyword terms are targeting a totally different audience Adwords Advetiser's who are seeking professional expert consultation services: google adwords expert, google adwords consultant, adwords search marketing consultant and google adwords professional. These AdWords keyword terms should NOT be included for your "AdWords Tips" keyword group. This is "Why" it is a mistake to compile a long massive list of keyword terms, even if they are relevant and related ones then lump them all together. You want to structure several seperate distinctly different tightly focused groups of keywords and ads making up your AdWords Ad Group campaign to target your audience.
You must learn and consider when to prune and / or purge and eliminate those keywords that are too broad (general, as for example: most single word keywords), untargeted keywords or the keywords that are giving you low ROI (return on investment)and eliminate poorer performing keywords or expand your good keywords to include more lower cost keywords that are still related to each of your Ad Group's listed keyword terms.
You must learn and "know how" to place the proper keyword bids to get the best ad rank position and listing for clicks. Your ad rank position is not just determined by bid price but also by the Click Thru Rate (CTR). You really need to get rank and listed in the 1st page of the Google Sponsored Top 10 at least ( I go for spots 3-6... they're a bit cheaper than 1 or 2, and they have less chance for implusive clickers or to get accidentally clicked by people who are just surfing, when the ads show at the top of the organic index ). A top three ranking on Adwords will get you placement on other premium sites in their network.
Click Through: Your click through rate is the number of people that click through to your landing page from your ad… the total pool of potential prospects. If you find that a large percentage of people click through your ads, hit your landing page and don’t sign up or buy depending on your advertising goals, then you have a conversion problem. Your landing pages text, message, graphics needs to be reviewed and evaluated.
The goal is quality relevant keywords, an eye appealing advert, higher click thru rates to decrease your cost-per-click, lower keyword bid prices, AdWords PPC opt-in list sign ups, sales conversions (focusing on conversions, instead of clicks) and a return on investment (profit).
You must learn and "know how" to use your selected relevant keywords and write great enticing compelling ads (keywords in title) that grab the eyeballs, attention and interest of your targeted visitors, how to break down a campaign into Ad Groups. Each Ad Group represents a different theme within your business. These themes or groups need to be as narrowly defined and focused as possible to get the best results. Each group of relevant keywords lives within an Ad Group and each Ad Group has its own ads written specifically for it.
Example: Your company may host tele - seminars, webinars and live seminars. You want a seperate Ad Group for tele - seminars, webinars and live seminars etc. for each business theme's topic with one set of relevant focus keywords and a specfic Ad or Ad Variations (A/B Split Testing) created for each group. Split Testing Test your ad performance, refining and tweaking ads that don’t perform well and testing them with new ones for click conversions. Whichever advert performs better after around 20-30 clicks you keep that one delete the poorer performing advert. You then write yet another advert, which you now run side by side with the original better performing advert.
You want to avoid including duplicate keywords across Ad Groups and campaigns in the same account. Your ad will only be shown once for a given search, and duplicate keywords will be competing with each other to appear.
You need to "know how" to analyze and interpret your AdWords results. The number of impressions is the number of times your ad is being displayed. If your keywords have zero impressions, 1). you need to know it could mean that your selected KEYWORDS are not being searched by Internet users or 2). your daily budget is too low or the alloted budget ran out, the impressions stopped. 3). If you want to increase your Impression Rate, you need to know to increase your Daily Budget or Max Cost Per Click (CPC). It's valid to do this if your ads aren't displaying, or are displaying very low in the ad ranking position (say > 7).
The Cost Per Click (CPC) of a particular keyword is a fundamental element in the calculation of ad ranking so increasing your Cost Per Click will allow you to compete more aggressively and appear more often, hence more impressions. You increase your daily budget or max. CPC but your CTR didn't change despite a dramatic increase in impressions suggests that your ad copy may be less than optimal. One of the best ways to improve your CTR, is to refine your ad text and/or keywords.
You must learn and "know how" to test, track, analyze and interpret your AdWords campaign's report statistics monitoring metrics to clearly distinguish what’s working and probably will work from what isn’t and not likely to work adjusting and fine-tuning everything. You have to track your visitors click through keywords, monitor, be patient, continue to split test your ads, refine your ads, tweak to improve your Adwords PPC campaign performance. To do this, is another reason "Why" you need to break your campaigns up into distinct groups so you can adjust your strategy quickly based on how each of these groups perform. Know it's just a matter of monitoring and tweaking your campaigns until they are profitable
Using smaller groups of closely related keywords, separating true "search" traffic from “content” traffic as well as separating broad vs. exact keyword match types are all ways you can group your campaign to see how the groups perform in comparison. If you can’t see a difference in performance you can’t adjust for it, so being able to see that clearly is critical. If everything you’re bidding on is all lumped and jumbled together, you’ll have a real hard time trying to get more of what’s working and getting rid of what’s not.
Are YOU AdWords Challenge?
Do YOU Have Major AdWords Concerns?
Do YOU Want To Know...
How do you create a Google Adwords campaign that will MAKE you money, rather than take it?
What keywords are you going to target and how are you going to find these keywords?
Which Online tools will actually HELP YOU and which ones are just a big waste of time and money?
Are YOU grasping at what to do to make your Adwords PPC campaigns more effective and profitable?
Are You tired of being frustrated and disheartened with making money with AdWords PPC? YOU Are Not Alone. Who isn’t!
Increase Your AdWords Pay Per Click Knowledge, Increase Results!
My advice, if you are AdWords Challenge is to pause all of your campaigns and spend the time to learn how AdWords works and then invest some significant time learning what to do. The challenge is learn to optimize your AdWords PPC campaigns to bring your massive traffic at the lowest possible cost per click. That's how you stay profitable.
When you are a novice AdWords pay per click advertiser it can take some time and diligence to search and find the right AdWords training information, learn and understand the AdWords fundamentals of how Adwords works and then time to implement the ideas, techniques and strategies to see the results and the success of your efforts.
If you're new to web advertising and paid-search advertising, you need to learn a LOT before you start. Google Adwords and E-mail Marketing are the best effective ways to promote and advertise Online. Let me forewarn you, it's very easy to spend thousands of dollars with zero results, if you don't know "what to do" and you don't carefully design your AdWords PPC advertising campaigns to meet specific pre-determined goals. Is your major goal web site visitors with a minor goal of visitors name capture squeeze page or web form acquisition or is your major goal product sales and a daily profit with a minor goal of visitors name capture squeeze page or web form acquisition?
Hopefully, the AdWords information and listed resources here will reduce some of that feeling of frustration and give you the guidance to the help you glean, the needed information, clarity and insight to properly set up and structure your AdWords account the right way and save you hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars in the process and help you build your AdWords PPC Opt-In List (very important).
Are You Maximizing The Potential Of Your AdWords Pay Per Click Traffic?
Are YOU Building A List Of YOUR Pay Per Click VISITORS YOU Can Market To Again In The Future?
List building is one of the basic foundations for successful Internet Search Marketing. If You Are Not Collecting Your Pay Per Click Visitor Information And Building A List Of PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS YOU Can Market To In The Future You Are Literally Losing Thousands Of Dollars A Year. The biggest key to YOUR success in the PPC profit game is to know the key to AdWords is relevant keywords. The key to making real money, recurring money, fast money, big money Online is to be the owner of a massive opt-in e-mailing list.
Your business most valuable assets are your roledex - your business resources and personal contacts, your customers and your prospects on your opt-in list. You need to put in the time to build your e-mail lists, build relationships with your contact lists, your opt-in list members, and exceed your prospects expectations, over-deliver on some great information and offer quality products and services.
It is vital to identify and cultivate influential key roledex contact sources, build on going relationships with your sources, customers and opt-in list prospects and focus on increasing the value of your busineness customers database. Yet for most people the "know how" and skills required to build an opt-in e-mailing list seem to escape them. Therefore, they are unable to use, maximize and leverage their AdWords PPC campaign's traffic to its full potential to build their opt-in list.
One of the most cost effective method to build your opt-in list is to harness your Google AdWords search engine pay per click traffic. You can learn how to leverage and harness AdWords pay per click to build or improve your opt-in list and increase your profits.
Are you ready to take your Online Profits to the next level?
How is it possible that you can generate exponential Online profits from your web site or an affiliate program without spending more in advertising or lead generation?
The formula to follow for starting to generate an opt-in list from your AdWords campaigns and take your Online Profits to the next level is a Google Ad -> AdWords Squeeze Page -> Sales Page…
You can take full advantage of the pay per click traffic that you are receiving to your web site or affiliate link, capture your AdWords ad pay per clicks name and e-mail adresses with a squeeze page, communicate with an organized scheduled auto - responder sequence message series and turn your AdWords PPC advertising investment today into a new targeted prospect list acquisition for tomorrow's direct e-mail marketing profits. The longterm goal is to reduce your reliance on AdWords Pay Per Click keyword and ad campaigns by using e-mail marketing to develop trust and cultivate business relationships with your qualified click through squeeze page and web site form visitors and turned them into buyers and repeated customers.
Review The Best Discovered AdWords Experts
The best discovered AdWords experts I have found are Simon Leung and Perry Marshall. If you want to learn some sound fundamental Pay Per Click strategies that can make you a dependable income stream and Online profits, these are the top two AdWords guys to follow.
Now, you may not have heard of Simon Leung Ex - Google AdWords Optimization Specialist, leading expert in Google AdWords and Internet Marketing who KNOWS Google AdWords. Simon Leung wrote the AdWords employee training manual. Simon Leung began working in Google's AdWords Department in April of 2002, starting as an ad reviewer, going through 1000s of ads a day to make sure that they complied with Google's editorial policies.
Simon Leung then moved on to servicing advertisers and in May of 2003, Simon Leung was selected as one of two people to start the AdWords Optimization Team, and INSTANTLY became a leading member, contributor, trainer and quality reviewer of one of the highest performing groups in AdWords ever since. Simon Leung retired from Google in 2006. Simon Leung's Google AdWords experience is a big part of his current success as a professional Adwords Optimization Consultant, Speaker, Author and Internet Marketer.
Simon Leung knows "Adwords Insider Secrets" and the ins and outs about using PPC for Online promotions and profits because Simon Leung was an AdWords Specialist for 4 1/2 years. I have learn when you want to "know how" to do something RIGHT, you consult with an expert for advice. If you are unable to schedule an one on one phone appointment and AdWords consultation with Simon Leung consider attending a live "Internet Marketing Seminar" that Simon Leung is making a presentation or sign up to hear him speak as a guest on an Online AdWords List Building Webinar or Tele - Seminar.
I have heard Simon Leung give away a lot of priceless insightful AdWords advice and tips - for free - on webinars and tele - seminars calls. You have to read Simon Leung AdWords List Building E-Guide if you want to improve your pay per click skills, get better AdWords campaign performance and AdWords List Building results.
You have a rare opportunity to learn the secrets "how to" maximize your AdWords PPC campaign investment and build or improve your AdWords PPC opt - in list from someone who #1 worked for Google and #2 was a Specialist in the AdWords PPC Team. Listen, there's simply no comparison between having the AdWords Insider knowledge, skill and expertise that Simon Leung gives you in the AdWords List Building E-Guide.
Believe me, if you are struggling and not getting the AdWords PPC campaign performance results you want or you are not currently building your AdWords PPC opt- in list from your active Adwords PPC campaigns you don't want to let this one pass you by--no matter what! "Discover What Google Never Told You Or Never Will Tell You About Making Money with AdWords". Discover... Why without the proper web site landing page or if your AdWords Squeeze Page is not optimized - relevant or related to the ad copy and keywords you are throwing your pay per click money away.
Some people will recognize Simon Leung AdWords List Building E-Guide as an truly rare opportunity and will jump on this like a dog with a big juicy bone and devour everything Simon Leung has to offer. Others will let it slip by and miss out on what could very well be the ONE and ONLY real chance to finally have the opportunity to end their List Building woes and the AdWords PPC breakthrough they've been desperately chasing for years.
If you don't have an autoresponder I recommend GetResponse.com as the e-mail autoresponder and e-mail marketing system to compliment Simon Leung's AdWords List Building course. The premier GetResponse.com autoresponder is an extremely cost effective and time efficient way for you to communicate, build trust and develop powerful bonds with customers over time, cultivate a relationship with your opt-in list prospects and your business customers and contacts.
I, also, highly recommend AdWords Expert Perry Marshall.
AdWords Expert Perry Marshall free 5 day AdWords e-course, e-books and exclusive membership program passes alongs some of the best, simplest, and ACTION-ORIENTED AdWords PPC strategies and tactics. Perry Marshall is good at teaching AdWords tactics, and optimization (testing, tracking, tweaking). Perry Marshall has a strong AdWords coaching program for anyone who has an e-commerce business of any significant size.
Google AdWords provides AdWords Advertisers with the Google AdWords Learning Center and a library with free video tutorial instruction and tips for success. Google AdWords also provides AdWords Advertisers with the Google AdWords Help Center. You can receive AdWords live chat support and request free Campaign Optimization. The free Campaign Optimization service is currently available for advertisers in the U.S, Canada and the UK only. It’s a complimentary service that they offer to help their advertisers get the most of their AdWords account.
You can begin by telling filling in a request form and tell what results you’d like to achieve such as better clickthroughs, improved ROI, lower cost per clicks, a more organized account structure and son on. Google AdWords Optimization experts will then review your landing page, campaign structure and everything else and contact you with customized recommendations to help you reach your goals.
You have access to an AdWords community peer forum. Now there is a new Web site Landing Page Optimzer and other featured add - ons to the list of Google free tools. There is an Official AdWords Blog to keep you updated with inside AdWords information and tips.
According to Simon Leung Ex - Google Employee and AdWords Specialist one of the key factors it seems that many people overlook but need to consider when it comes to optimizing their AdWords Ads is the visitors who clicks on their Ads are looking for something... and "the AdWords advertiser needs to continue the conversation that is already going on in the searchers mind and be the answer that they are searching for." In other words your Ads and landing pages should meet your visitors needs and expectations.
Google makes it very clear that the company values their search engine users. Everything is designed for a better visitor search user experience. Therefore, providing visitors with a high quality experience is essential. Google requires relevancy. You must write good ad copy, use specific relevant keywords in your ad's title, body description, url and peppered throughout your landing page content to create congruency which is an essential part of your Adwords quality score and helps to determines your Ad's position along with other factors.
Remember - the better the quality score, the better the relevancy in Google's eyes... therefore, your reward is cheaper ads. Your keywords need to make it obvious to Google that all the things tie together, and thereby are accurately described to the Google user.
It is absolutely vital that the landing page on your site provides good content that is relevant and useful to your Google AdWords click through visitors. It is exremely important for you to do your AdWords keywords research. Extensive keyword research to find lower costing keyword phrases. Choosing the keywords to select for your Ad is very important, the keyword must be relevant. You want to find the keywords that people search on when they're ready to buy.
How can you apply this to your AdWords PPC?
Simple - the keywords and adverts that you use will attract people at different stages of their buying cycle. For example, if you are using the keywords "list building info" or "opt-in list info" or "opt-in e-mail list info" or "opt-in e-mail marketing info" it's likely that you will capture people researching and wanting to find details about list building. So you will be capturing users that are in the first part or "research stage" of their buying cycle.
Instead, if you use the keyword phrase "AdWords List Building", "AdWords List Building Guide", "AdWords List Building Site", "AdWords List Building.com" or "Simon Leung AdWords List Building Course" or "GetResponse.com opt-in e-mail marketing", you are most likely to capture prospects who have done their basic research and know what they want already. These prospects probably are looking for reviews and / or comparison shopping for the best Online offer.
The longtail keyword phrases will have a high quality score, be a lot cheaper and more than likely the person who clicks is looking for a solution in this example "to build or improve their list" and is more likely to buy. You have to find the long tail keyword phrases, usually they have less traffic than generic keywords "list building" or "building list" and convert a lot better. Well, finding them is the hard part. The longtail keyword phrases are your goldmines.
Similarly, if you are using the keyword phrase " review adwordslistbuilding.com, buy AdWords List Building Guide", "purchase AdWords List Building Course" or "Get Simon Lueng AdWords List Building Course $97.00", you will capture a prospect that more than likely is looking for a solution to building or improving their list, has done their research and are prepared to commit to buying the product. Utilizing price point in an advert will help many searchers realize the fact that we are in the information age and one can research and obtain free information on the Internet however, relevant expert information, often, comes at a price.
A visual example, from head to tail.
Search User Question "how - to"...
build lists
build list info
building list/list building
building list/list building info
build adwords pay per click lists info
build adwords pay per click opt-in lists tips
build adwords pay per click opt-in e-mail lists
build adwords pay per click opt-in squeeze page e-mail lists
build adwords pay per clicks name capture opt-in squeeze page e-mail lists
remember, there are an infinite number of possible longtail search queries people use
An explanation example, from head to tail.
Search User Question "how - to"...
lists (very vague keyword)
build lists (general keyword phrases)
build list info (general generic keyword phrase)
(curiosity clicks rather than people who are ready to buy)
building list/list building (general keyword phrases / example: stemming)
(above stemming example - keywords that stem from the same root word)
building list/list building info (general / example: user begining research phrase)
build adwords lists info (not specific keyword phrase)
build adwords pay per click opt-in lists (very specific niche focus keyword phrase)
build adwords opt-in e-mail lists (very specific narrow niche focus keyword phrase)
build adwords opt-in squeeze page e-mail lists
build adwords ppc opt-in squeeze page e-mail lists
remember, there are an infinite number of possible longtail search queries people use
The above head to long tail information and examples will hopefully help inspire you to find keyword phrases and longtail keywords that are more likely to result in conversions and sales. It also may help you with your bidding strategy such as paying less for keywords that are in the earlier stages of the buying cycle. Discover your visitors keywords: explore all keyword combinations in the Long Tail of Search that work for your web pages and AdWords pay per click campaigns. You will need to improve and optimize your web site landing pages to a natural-organic-search point-of-view.
The longterm goal end result is reducing your reliance on paid keyword and ad campaigns, while increasing actual traffic from qualified organic search visitors and using set up squeeze pages and your web forms to capture visitors information to grow your opt-in lists.
You must track your keywords to discover and know which keywords and keyword phrases are performing and the highest converting keywords and the most lucrative. You'll find when initiating a new Ad Group that some keywords turn out to be highly performing, and some keywords turn out to be non performing. You still need to find out your best performing keywords before you prune and cut your list down (to eventually add a new crop of new keywords to test).
Learning, implementation and improvement are an ongoing process. You have to go through the process yourself of finding out what works, refining and tweaking your ads and pruning keywords. Just remember if, you have not been successful with Google AdWords PPC you haven’t fail when you learn what doesn’t work. For every time you fail, you need to understand WHY you failed (and that requires study). The sooner you fail, the sooner you will succeed. (And the successes will start outnumbering the failures). It’s the process of elimination and fine tuning to get you to the acquired know how, skill and the results you want to have.
Again, let me repeat... YOU want to find the keywords that people search on when they're ready to buy. That usually means less popular, longer keyword phrases. Usually, it is the long tail, two - and three-word term phrases which have very little competition, and are the most lucrative but may not be the most obvious phrases. This means, experiment with keywords that are less semantic or less obvious.
Example: Instead of "work at home", try "jobs for stay at home moms" or "jobs for stay at home moms on the east coast" or "jobs for stay at home moms in america" and "make money on the world wide web" or "make money on the internet" instead of "make money Online". You take the primary and / or secondary keyword, generate some additional keywords to create a phrase consisting of at least 3-4 words.
This is the reason many "cutting edge" high technology professional Keyword Software Tools have been developed to help AdWords PPC Advertisers with their site's seo and Adwords keywords research. In my next article we will look at what professional Online keyword tools are available to webmasters, site owners and Online Keyword - Based PPC Advertisers.
Article Re-print Rights Information
You may re-print the article published as long as you comply with the following terms: Article must be published "as is" (unedited). Article must be published with the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. URL in the resource box should be set as hyperlinks. Article cannot be used in spam communications Bio paragraph (resource box) is below:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Von Doane "Author Of The Kandu Pages" is an information provider and empowers aspiring web Entrepreneurs and new Internet Marketers with Online reviews to find quality resources and the right experts. Von Doane writes about Discovered "Secrets And Tips" on a Blogger's Blog. You can sign up for Von Doane's VIP Priority Alert Notification contact mailing list and get additional free web marketing information and resources at Von Doane's blog: The Kandu Reviews Internet Marketing Guidance http://kandureviews.blogspot.com
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